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I had a brazilian blow dry at this salon in June. I have had this treatment done 4 times previoulsy, twice at this salon which were very good and at a very reasonable cost. This time the hairdresser put the treatment all over my hair and scalp which I was surprised at. When I have had it done previously the product was carefully brushed onto my hair, avoiding my scalp. I didn't question this as I was confident with the salon and I knew that the product has been altered recently because of the chemicals in it and thought it must be a milder product they were using. Within days after the treatment I noticed that my scalp was flaking which has never happened before. After washing my hair it started falling out in handfuls and during the day it has been falling out from the root. 6 weeks down the line my hair is still falling out in worrying amounts. I looked up the product they had used and the instructions said not to put it on the scalp. I called the salon today and spoke to the manager - she denied that the product had been put on my scalp, even though I know it was, and said the fact my hair is falling out could be down to lots of different reasons and is not because of the treatment. My hair was not falling out beforehand so I feel it was definately as a result of the treatment being put on my scalp. I will not be using this salon again.

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